Puppy Training in Denver

Professional Puppy Training Programs in Denver

Mile High Dog Training in Denver, Colorado is here to help you get your puppy settled into their new home. Make the transition as easy as possible by utilizing our in-home puppy training services.

We pride ourselves on keeping dogs in their homes, with their families, by solving some of the most challenging canine behavioral problems. While not always possible if you choose to rescue an older dog, it is ideal to set ground rules and expectations starting on day one.

If you’ve just gotten a new puppy, or even if you plan to get a new puppy, be sure to set them up for success by getting in touch with the certified trainers at Mile High Dog Training.

Our in-home puppy training program helps with common problems such as:

  • House training

It’s no secret puppies have tiny bladders. If they get excited, they may very well make a mess! We can help you set up a consistent potty schedule, and we can even help your puppy learn where to eliminate. Make sure you know where you want your puppy to use the bathroom; we’ll help your puppy make it there with time to spare.

  • Basic obedience

Basic obedience training helps to ensure good behavior. It also does so much more than that! This training sets the foundation for a good relationship and reliable communication between a puppy and its owner. Your puppy will learn to listen to you and rely on you. They will learn to trust you to take the lead. If any severe behavioral problems crop up as they get older, basic obedience training will ensure you have many of the tools you need to nip it in the bud.

  • Separation anxiety

Moving to a new place can be scary, even if you aren’t a puppy! Make the transition easier by consulting our certified trainers in Denver. We provide useful tools and advice to help your pup feel more comfortable in their new home, even if you can’t be by their side 24/7.

  • Introductions

One of the more severe canine behavior problems we assist with is sibling aggression. We see this most often when a home with existing pets takes on a new one. First impressions are important, even in the animal kingdom, and an in-home puppy trainer can help ensure your pets get along from the start.

For homes with small children, we can also offer guidance on how to introduce children to pets. We want them to be best friends for life!

Ready to Get Started?

Our puppy training services come to you. We can visit before you bring the puppy home to offer tips on making their arrival as stress-free as possible. We can also come once your puppy is settled in to help with any specific habits with which they may be struggling.

Contact us to learn more about our in-home puppy training services. We are happy to answer any questions you have and to schedule a no-obligation consultation. Contact us via e-mail or by phone at 720.749.1400.