Aggressive Dog Training in Denver

Aggressive Dog Training Programs

Without question, the most severe behavioral problem facing dog owners is canine aggression. This is the problem that tears families apart, that results in beloved pets being rehomed or worse. Watching your family pet act out towards other people or animals is frustrating and embarrassing—but there is a solution!

At Mile High Dog Training, we don’t believe aggression has to do with breed or temperament. It’s a behavioral problem, plain and simple, and we happen to be certified experts in the area of canine behavior.

Even if you’ve been told your dog is beyond help, give us a call. Unless there is some medical situation (and we’re always happy to work closely with your veterinarian), we have yet to meet a dog whose aggression we cannot mitigate.

There are a few common forms of aggression, and you may recognize one in your dog. These include:

  • Fear aggression

Say you’re hosting a party, and your dog hides in a corner. They’re afraid. There are more people, more sounds, and maybe more children than they’re used to. If someone approaches your dog in this state, they might growl. They might even snap! This is a classic case of a dog feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated and acting out. This is fear aggression.

  • Sibling aggression

This typically occurs when a dog is fighting to be the one in charge. A “sibling” may be another dog, a cat, or even a child. A sibling is just another member of the household that your dog wants to control. However, youare the one in charge, and through positive reinforcement training we can have your home in harmony once more.

That said, there is a difference between aggression and setting boundaries. We’re happy to help you understand all the nuances of canine sibling behavior.

  • Food aggression

This is exactly what it sounds like. You feed your dogs simultaneously, and suddenly one attacks the other because they want all the food. Or maybe they try to attack you when it’s feeding time. Let us get your mealtimes back on track.

  • Animal aggression

If your dog constantly tries to attack animals in your yard or other dogs during your walk (also known as leash reactivity), Mile High Dog Training can help your dog keep calm. This reaction could be caused by fear, territorial instinct, or the desire to dominate. One of our specialties is discovering behavioral triggers so we can find a solution.

  • Stranger aggression

This could be barking at the mailman or attacking guests in your home. This occurs because your dog has the weight of the world on its shoulders. Somehow, they got the message that it’s their job to protect the home from intruders. It’s too much responsibility for any dog—and you can’t expect them to get it right every time! We’ll teach your dog to calm down and wait for your reaction before choosing one of their own.

Get Started Today!

Mile High Dog Training can make sure these kinds of aggressive reactions never happen again. We’ll give you the tools and structure you need to make your dog feel safe and secure. In turn, your family, friends, and other pets will feel safe, too!

Contact us today to learn more about our in-home aggressive dog training program. 720.749.1400.