Dog Training for New Parents

Cribs & Canines: Dog Training for New Parents in Denver

Do babies and dogs mix? A surprising number of people—even dog lovers—believe the answer may be no.

At the very least, it’s often a point of concern.

If you already have a dog, will they get along with the new baby? If you have a baby, is it a good time to consider getting a dog? Mile High Dog Training in Denver, Colorado can eliminate the stress around adding a baby to your dog-friendly family.

This in-home dog training program is called Cribs & Canines, and we designed it to help dogs adjust to the newest member of their family. Some specific challenges we have helped with include:

  • Desensitizing your dog to new noises (such as baby toys and equipment)
  • Basic obedience training (to establish reliable responses in your dog)
  • Crate training (if desired)
  • Leash behavior (to make walking the dog alongside a stroller a pleasant experience)
  • Establishing a routine (to set expectations and prevent jealousy)

There are two ways to go about dog training with Cribs & Canines:

  1. Get in touch before your new baby arrives.

Think ahead! Prepare your pup for the changes coming to your family before your baby makes his or her entrance. We’ll ensure your dog’s basic obedience training is up to snuff. You must be able to rely on your dog to obey a command immediately. For example, if you have the baby on a blanket on the floor and you don’t want your dog to get too close, you should be able to tell them “go lay down” or “go to place” and expect them to obey.

Of course, some people don’t mind if their dog lays down with the baby. We always consider personal preference. It’s one of the perks of having a one-on-one in-home trainer!

We also teach different techniques to prevent jealousy, and we help you create an ideal space where your pet can retreat should they get too overwhelmed by the baby.

  1. Get in touch after baby’s arrival.

While we always recommend taking preventative measures, we want to make it clear that it’s never too late to give Mile High Dog Training a call. If you’ve already brought baby home, and you’ve begun noticing changes in your dog’s behavior, let us help you recreate your family dynamic.

Jealousy is a common issue (which is why we’ve mentioned it so often). Jealousy may occur over attention or toys. Baby toys and dog toys are surprisingly similar. We’ve also had cases where owners find their dog is afraid of the new baby. They can make some strange, loud noises!

Contact Us to Get Started

There is a lot to consider when welcoming a baby into a home that already has a fur baby. Whether you choose to take every precaution and chat with us while you’re expecting or you decide to contact us only if your dog begins presenting concerning behavior, we can help!

If your changing family might benefit from our Cribs & Canines program, contact us through e-mail or give us a call at 720.749.1400 today!